May 02, 2008


To make a long story short...a dog in our 'hood was hit by a combi (bus). The vet says he has no broken bones but is quite swollen which is why he's having such difficulty walking. He also has a minor infection so he's on some antibiotics as well. He'll be released from the vet clinic on Wednesday the 14th of May. We've already adopted two street dogs (sisters from Patzcuaro) and cannot take this guy in. Later this summer we'll be returning to our condo unit in Canada and it only allows two pets so we've reached our canine limit unfortunately. The vet said he'd probably get put down since it's unlikely he'll be adopted once at the city pound. Anyway, we kept him at our house for 2 nights because the vet had been closed for the holiday (Cinco de Mayo) so we got to know him abit. He's very affectionate & playful. We call him Gus 'cause we found him lying in an Augustin Plaza. He walks extremely well on leash & did not piss or crap when in our house (even through the night)! He saved it for his walks outside. Please let us know if you have any ideas, connections, etc. to get this guy a family. I really don't know what we'll do otherwise.

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